Millenials Rising

article | December 03, 2014

In October 2014, New America partnered with Young Invincibles and the Roosevelt Campus Network to convene a cross-cutting policy symposium called Millennials Rising. With contributions from a diverse set of experts over two days, the symposium focused on the unique set of challenges facing the Millennial generation.

In order to make the insights developed at the symposium more widely available, the Asset Building Program has created a Millennials Rising resource site. The site currently features a set of policy papers written for the symposium, links to a series of published articles, informational charts and graphs, videos of panel discussions and keynotes, and a unique visual representation of the symposium conversations. Going forward, the site will continue to serve as a dynamic repository for New America’s work on issues affecting Millennials. These materials collectively tell a compelling story of how the young adults of today must navigate an increasingly difficult economic terrain and of how policymakers have yet to offer solutions capable of meeting the aspirations of this rising generation.

You can explore the Millennials Rising resource site here.
