WEBINAR: If you build it, will they save?

Lessons from the Canadian Education Savings Program

event | November 18, 2014

  • New America

WEBINAR: If you build it, will they save? : Lessons from the Canadian Education Savings Program

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

2:00 pm – 3:30 pm


Children’s Savings Accounts (CSAs) are increasingly looked at in the US as offering the potential to build the aspirations and resources that students need to pursue a college education. From San Francisco’s Kindergarten to College to the ASPIRE Act, which would offer a CSA to every child at birth, a growing movement is reimagining the way that we pay for college by integrating a focus on savings, rather than relying exclusively on more traditional forms of assistance. But, how might this work at a national scale? What would it take to get every child to benefit?

As it turns out, the US’s neighbor to the north has been offering a version of CSAs for over 15 years. Canada’s experience offers unique insights into these very questions and can help inform how CSAs are designed and implemented in the US.

Please join New America’s Asset Building Program and the Assets and Education Initiative at the University of Kansas for a webinar exploring the lessons of Canada’s venture into the promising arena of national investment in childrens' savings and evaluate how it is working—and ways it could work better.

Click here to sign in to the webinar.

Instructions for how to join a Lync meeting are here.

Audio quality for today’s webinar will be optimized if you use your computer’s audio, but, for those wishing to connect to the audio portion by phone, the call-in information is:
(785) 864-4545

Conference ID: 3312350

If you encounter any technical difficulties in connecting to today’s webinar, contact Melinda Lewis of AEDI at mlewis@ku.edu. We look forward to talking with you about children’s savings and the Canadian Education Savings Program this afternoon!

This webinar is collaboration with


Rachel Black
Senior Policy Analyst, Asset Building Program, New America

Melinda Lewis
Policy Director, Assets and Education Initiative, School of Social Welfare, University of Kansas

William Elliott, III
Director, Assets and Education Initiative, School of Social Welfare, University of Kansas Senior Research Fellow, Asset Building Program, New America