Broadly Speaking

The Broadly Speaking Series, as its tongue-in-cheek name suggests, is a series of live discussions that aim to expand our national conversation about the changing gender dynamics in contemporary families and workplaces, as well as in public life. Hosted in New York City and Washington, DC, Breadwinning & Caregiving Program Director Liza Mundy leads intriguing conversations around workforce- and family-promoting policy solutions. The series is curated by Katherine Zoepf, a Breadwinning and Caregiving Program Fellow.

The Evolution or Extinction? The Future of Gender
December 11, 2014
Feminism at a Crossroad
October 2, 2014
The Rise of Extreme Daycare
December 17, 2014
Redefining Success
June 18, 2014
Has the Financial Literacy Movement Failed American Families?
April 8, 2014
Why Women Aren't Welcome Online
March 18, 2014
A Conversation about Women and Wall Street
September 19, 2012
Women as Candidates, Women as Symbols
June 27, 2012
Moving the Debate on Working Parenthood Forward
June 19, 2013
The Child Exchange
December 12, 2013