Leisure Is the New Productivity

podcast | January 15, 2015

  • New America

Instead of working harder to be more productive, we need to work smarter by taking time out to relax and connect with friends and family. In study after study, the research shows that by taking breaks in between periods of focused attention, we will get more done and could even make strides toward greater gender and class equality, says Brigid Schulte in this conversation with Anne-Marie Slaughter (and in New America’s Big Ideas series on CNN). According to Schulte, author of the best-selling book Overwhelmed: Work, Love, and Play When No One Has the Time, it’s when we hit the pause button that our brains unlock their most powerful creativity and innovation.

*Brigid Schulte was a 2013 New America Fellow. Do you have a bold idea? We’re now accepting applications for our next class of fellows. *

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