Support New America

Thank you for your decision to support New America.

Your tax-deductible contribution shows your dedication to the renewal of American politics, prosperity, and purpose in the Digital Age.

For more information, please contact Meredith Hanley, Director of Development, at (202) 596-3367 and by e-mail at

Our Funding

2014-2015 Support for New America

New America thanks the organizations, individuals, and partners who share its dedication to the renewal of American politics, prosperity, and purpose in the Digital Age.


  • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Ford Foundation
  • William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
  • Lumina Foundation
  • Eric and Wendy Schmidt
  • US Department of State


  • 11th Hour Project
  • Arizona State University
  • Carnegie Corporation of New York
  • Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
  • Mohamed El-Erian
  • Emerson Collective
  • Foundation for Child Development
  • Google, Inc.
  • Jennifer and Jonathan Allan Soros Foundation
  • John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
  • John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
  • Joyce Foundation
  • McKnight Foundation
  • Microsoft Corporation
  • Omidyar Network
  • Open Society Foundations
  • Pritzker Children's Initiative
  • Radio Free Asia
  • Rattner Family Foundation
  • United States Agency for International Development
  • W. K. Kellogg Foundation


  • American Business Council Foundation
  • Alliance for Early Success
  • Annie E. Casey Foundation
  • David and Katherine Bradley
  • Citi Foundation
  • Boykin Curry
  • David and Lucile Packard Foundation
  • Don and Elizabeth Dixon
  • Evelyn and Walter Haas Jr. Fund
  • Governor's Woods Foundation
  • Heisings-Simons Foundation
  • Kresge Foundation
  • Nathan Cummings Foundation
  • Rockefeller Foundation
  • Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Save the Children
  • Skoll Global Threats Fund
  • Smith Richardson Foundation
  • Tides Foundation
  • Voqal
  • W. Clement and Jessie V. Stone Foundation
  • Wyss Foundation


  • American Council of Learned Societies
  • European Commission
  • Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
  • Tom Freston
  • General Mills
  • William W. Gerrity
  • Grable Foundation
  • Humanity United
  • Zachary Karabell
  • Carolyn and Jeffrey Leonard
  • Heidi and Brian Miller
  • New Venture Fund
  • Robert Niehaus
  • Leah Joy Zell


  • Robert Abernethy
  • Barbara Byrne
  • Brown Advisory, Inc.
  • Craigslist Charitable Fund
  • Crown Family Philanthropies
  • Deloitte LLP
  • Scott Delman
  • DISH Network
  • Facebook
  • Beth and Joshua Friedman
  • Fred Hassan
  • Home Depot
  • Arianna Huffington
  • Kaye Family Foundation
  • Ruth and David Levine
  • Harold Newman
  • F. Noel Perry
  • Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Inc.
  • Royal Norwegian Consulate
  • Law Offices of George Salem
  • Alexander Soros Foundation
  • Source of Hope Foundation
  • Taconic Foundation
  • Three Baers Foundation
  • George Wasserman Family Foundation


  • Aetna Foundation
  • Brodsky Family Foundation
  • Committee to Protect Journalists
  • Delaney McKinney LLP
  • Foundation for Middle East Peace
  • George C. Halvorson
  • Peter and Andrea Marber
  • Dariush Manavi
  • McDermott Will and Emery
  • The Moriah Fund Inc.
  • Craig Newmark
  • Ploughshares Fund
  • Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
  • Daniel Yergin


  • Early, Cassidy, and Schilling
  • James and Deb Fallows
  • Eleanor Friedman and Jonathan Cohen
  • Friedman Family Foundation
  • Francis Fukuyama
  • Atul Gawande
  • Edward Halstead
  • Institute for International Education
  • James Klutznick
  • Steven Koltai
  • David Larkin
  • Kati Marton
  • Walter Russell Mead
  • Lenny and Christine Mendonca
  • Sarah Robb O'Hagan
  • Psiphon Inc.
  • Silda Wall Spitzer
  • Stiftung Neue Verantwortung
  • Susan Vaughan
  • Alan and Ilene Wurtzel
  • Fareed Zakaria

As part of ensuring our mission, New America is guided by the following principles in all its activities and partnerships. New America does not engage in research or educational activities directed or influenced in any way by financial supporters and the following principles are reviewed annually:

Full Transparency: All financial support above $1,000 will be acknowledged on the public New America website and in any annual reports by identifying both the donor and the level of support.

Independence: New America steadfastly adheres to its mission of developing independent, non-partisan analysis and recommendations reflective of rigorous scholarship and promoting those ideas through broad public discourse. New America maintains full authority regarding project agendas, events, budgets, editorial content, and personnel decisions.

Accessibility: New America shares our work broadly and openly in accordance with open source guidelines.

In addition to our organizational principles guiding the general solicitation and acceptance of contributions, we acknowledge that New America accepts financial support from numerous sources, including corporations, for research and educational activities that support its mission, endeavoring to maintain a broad and diverse base of support. In addition to individuals and foundations, this includes support from governments, both domestic and foreign, and corporations. New America financial supporters have no influence or control over the research design, methodology, analysis, or findings of New America research projects, nor do they have influence or control over the content of educational programs and communications efforts. Offers of financial support predicated on such expectations are not accepted. This policy and New America practices will be shared with donors and reviewed annually to ensure that the organization is in compliance with its provisions and faithful to its intent.

Circles & Councils

Leadership Council

International Security Advisory Council

Breadwinning and Caregiving Advisory Council

Giving to New America

New America invests in new thinkers and new ideas to address the next generation of challenges facing our country, with President and CEO Anne-Marie Slaughter proudly leading the organization ahead on several initiatives. For more information about supporting New America, please contact Meredith Hanley, Director of Development, at 202.596.3367 or

President’s Circle members help Anne-Marie carry out New America’s mission and invest in new endeavors by supporting the organization with a significant annual contribution. In recognition of their annual gifts of $50,000 or more, members of the President's Circle are offered key opportunities for engagement with New America.

  • Annual President’s Circle Dinner: An annual dinner and discussion of the year’s key achievements and future aspirations.
  • Opportunities to participate in Advisory Councils: New America’s program councils help establish ambitious new objectives, examine issue priorities, and advise sustainability practices for issue-specific policy solutions.
  • All the benefits of the Leadership Circle: included below.

Leadership Circle members contribute $25,000 or more to New America annually and can engage with the organization in a range of ways:

  • New America’s Annual Conference: One of the highlights of New America’s year, the Annual Conference provides a rare opportunity for an intimate dialogue about the most challenging issues of our time.
  • The Core Club breakfast series: Our salon breakfasts held at The Core Club in New York City provide an opportunity to interact with policy-makers, business leaders, and some of the foremost thought leaders in the United States. Recent events have featured Steven Rattner, Chairman of Willett Advisors LLC and Eric Schmidt, Chairman of Google, Inc.
  • Complete Events Calendar: New America’s multitude of briefings, luncheons, salon dinners and high-profile, public policy events and conferences across the country, at our Washington, DC headquarters and at New America New York City provide opportunities to engage with New America’s President, Program Directors, Fellows, and the Board of Directors.
  • Reading Material: Regular updates of New America’s best commentary and briefs and complimentary copies of New America books and major publications.
  • Recognition on the New America website.