The Economic and Security Future

Economists for Peace and Security, Bernard L. Schwartz Symposium

event | November 17, 2014

  • New America

The Economic and Security Future : Economists for Peace and Security, Bernard L. Schwartz Symposium

Monday, November 17, 2014

8:30 am – 1:30 pm

Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill

400 New Jersey Avenue

Washington, DC 20001


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As national attention pivots away from the mid-terms, EPS will present a packed and provocative tour of the major issues immediately ahead. This Bernard Schwartz symposium will assess the economic outlook, including for growth, jobs and wages, and open up discussion of the major challenges facing the country and this administration in its final two years. On the global front, it will address the deepening crisis in Iraq and Syria, the tensions with Russia and in the Far East. Damon Silvers, policy director for the AFL-CIO and former Vice Chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel on the TARP, and Senator Jim Webb will deliver keynotes. There will be three panels, with participation from many of America's most distinguished policy economists and security specialists, including James Galbraith, Steve Clemons, Allen Sinai, Ralph Gomory, William Hartung and Michael Lind.



8:30 am Registration and Breakfast 

9:00 am Welcome Remarks

James K. Galbraith
Economists for Peace and Security

9:10 am - 10:05 am Session One: World Security Situation - Russia, Iraq and Syria, and Beyond


Richard Kaufman
Bethesda Research Institute

Carl Conetta
Project on Defense Alternatives

Bill Hartung
Center for International Policy

Heather Hurlburt
New America

10:05 am - 10:35 am Keynote

Damon Silvers
Policy Director, AFL-CIO

10:35 am - 11:30 am Session Two: Growth and Jobs


James K. Galbraith
Economists for Peace and Security

Bill Spriggs

Allen Sinai
Decision Economics

Stephanie Kelton
University of Missouri, Kansas City

Ralph Gomory
New York University

11:30 am - 12:00 pm Keynote

Senator Jim Webb
D-VA (2007-2013)

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Session Three: Agenda Ahead: Climate, Infrastructure, Finance and Security

Marshall Auerback
Institute for New Economic Thinking

Rachel Cleetus
Union of Concerned Scientists

Michael Lind
New America

Steve Clemons
The Washington Note

Bruce Bartlett

Closing Statements

James K. Galbraith
Economists for Peace and Security