Ben Miller

Senior Policy Analyst, Education Policy Program

Photo of Ben Miller

Ben Miller is a senior policy analyst in the Education Policy Program where he provides research and analysis on policies related to postsecondary education.

Previously, Miller was a senior policy advisor in the Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Development in the U.S. Department of Education. While there he helped develop policy proposals for the president’s annual budget request to Congress related to higher education completion, cost, innovation, quality, and student financial aid. He also worked on regulatory issues related to gainful employment, as well as managing a portfolio of programs that included GEAR UP, TRIO, the Title III and V institutional programs, and the Investing in Innovation Program. Prior to the Department of Education, Miller served as a policy analyst at Education Sector, a nonpartisan think tank, where he wrote on issues such as gainful employment, the use of technology to improve student learning and reduce costs, and graduation rates. He also previously worked at the New America Foundation as a program associate. Miller’s work has appeared in or been cited by the Washington Monthly, the Chronicle of Higher Education, Inside Higher Ed, Washington Post, Congressional Quarterly, and Houston Chronicle, among other outlets. He holds a bachelor’s degree in history and economics from Brown University.


  • Higher Education
  • College Ratings
  • Student Loans
  • For-profit Colleges
  • Gainful Employment
  • Student Debt
  • College Completion
  • College Access
  • Pell Grants

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Ben Miller
Senior Policy Analyst, Education Policy Program

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