Clare McCann

Policy Analyst, Education Policy Program

Photo of Clare McCann

Clare McCann is a policy analyst with the Education Policy Program at the New America Foundation.  She conducts research on a wide range of education issues, including early learning and K-12 education, in support of the Federal Education Budget Project and other components of the program.

Previously, Ms McCann served as an intern with the U.S. Department of Education where she researched the policy implications of school reform models and innovations.  She has also interned in the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, with the office of Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO), and in the district office of former Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-PA).  She graduated with a B.A. in Political Science, with a focus in Public Policy, from The George Washington University in 2011.


  • Education Budget
  • Sequestration
  • Child care
  • Financial Aid

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Clare McCann
Policy Analyst, Education Policy Program

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