Joshua Freedman

Research Fellow, Economic Growth Program

Joshua Freedman is a research fellow with the Economic Economic Growth Program at New America. Until June 2014, Mr. Freedman served as a policy analyst. In this role, he researched and wrote about economic and social policy in the United States. His main projects focused on long-term economic shifts and the intersection of government and the economy.

Mr. Freedman graduated with a degree in public policy (focus: Ethics) from Stanford, where he was awarded the Ann C. Seminara Prize for Outstanding Senior in Public Policy. Previously, he interned at National Journal magazine and taught improvisation and sketch comedy. His analysis has appeared in National Journal, The Atlantic,, and a variety of other publications. Mr. Freedman hails from the oft-maligned state of New Jersey.

Direct Contact

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Joshua Freedman
Research Fellow, Economic Growth Program

Featured Publications


  • policy paper | June 16, 2014 |

    America's Debt Problem

    How Private Debt Is Holding Back Growth and Hurting the Middle Class

    Over time, the US economy has become more dependent on debt to fuel economic growth. American households, in particular, have become dependent on d...
  • policy paper | April 30, 2014 |

    Pay More, Get Less

    How American Socio-Economic Policy Is Falling Short

    The American middle class faces an uncertain future. Staring headlong into a difficult – and changing – world economy that has yet to fully recover...
  • policy paper | September 10, 2013 |

    Beyond the Low Wage Social Contract

    The issue of low wages has moved to the center of American public debate recently, thanks to protests against the low pay of fast food workers, the...