Justin Lynch

Social Media Coordinator

Photo of Justin Lynch

Justin Lynch is the social media coordinator at New America.

Previously, he worked as an events multimedia consultant at the Bangor Daily News, where he leveraged social media solutions for companies across Maine.

He also taught English to Syrian and Palestinian refugees while living in Beirut, and Sudanese refugees while living in Cairo.

Outside of New America, Justin is the youth ambassador to the United Nations for Voices of African Mothers, where he works to promote gender equality and educational opportunity in West Africa. He is also a political blogger for the Bangor Daily News.

Justin is a graduate of the University of Maine, and holds a B.A. in and Political Science and a B.A. in Economics.

Direct Contact

To contact this person directly, use the information below.

Justin Lynch
Social Media Coordinator

Featured Publications


  • article | October 28, 2014 |

    7 things you need to read on homegrown terrorism

    A collection of essays from New America about homegrown terrorism, and how to prevent it

    In preparation for our event, “Preventing the Next Homegrown Attack” on Wednesday, October 29th, here are 7 things you should read on homegrown ter...
  • article | October 23, 2014

    Are Cities the New States?

    You’re a health official trying to contain a new case of Ebola in a major world city. Who’s your first call – the country’s top health official? Or...
  • article | October 10, 2014 |

    OTI Submits Projects for the Knight News Challenge

    Two OTI projects promote greater data literacy, and better access for schools.

    Last week, the Open Technology Institute took the lead on two proposals submitted to the Knight Foundation’s latest News Challenge, which is focuse...
  • article | October 03, 2014 |

    6 articles you need to read about Net Neutrality

    Soon, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler is expected to make a decision on what the future of the Internet could look like. The...
  • article | September 26, 2014 |

    Freakonomics Is Not Economics

    If you want to learn how the economy works, what do you study? Most people would respond with “economics.” But today, there is a growing concern th...
  • article | September 24, 2014 |

    7 Things You Need to Read on Iran

    Today, New America will host a conversation between Dr. Hassan Rouhani, President of Iran, and Fareed Zakaria, Host of Global Public Square on CNN....
  • article | September 22, 2014 |

    7 articles you need to read about ISIS

    A collection of the best content on ISIS from New America.

    On September 10, President Obama announced his strategy to defeat the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. During the speech, the President claimed tha...
  • article | September 18, 2014

    Oh, the HumanIT

    If we learned anything from the movie _The Social Network, _it’s that the moment when Mark Zuckerberg included a “relationship status” on profile p...
  • in the news | August 14, 2014 | International Security

    The Bursting Kurdish Bubble

    All of these things have allowed ISIS to continue their advance and drive at the heart of the Kurdish independent region, i.e. oil refineries in th...