Lindsey Tepe

Policy Analyst, Education Policy Program

Photo of Lindsey Tepe

Lindsey Tepe is a program associate with New America’s Education Policy Program. Her work focuses primarily on innovation and new technologies in public schools. She researches and writes on a variety of topics, including college- and career-ready standards and assessments, school broadband connectivity, personalized learning, online assessment, and other educational applications of new technologies. Prior to joining New America, she taught elementary students in Chicago Public Schools. Tepe and her work have been featured in media outlets including the Atlantic, Fortune, Slate, Education Week, Inside Higher Ed, and others.

Tepe holds a Master of Public Administration (MPA) from the Maxwell School at Syracuse University, as well as a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) from Dominican University. She attended Arizona State University for undergraduate studies, earning a Bachelor of Science in Economics.


  • Education & Technology
  • Open Education Resources
  • Common Core
  • E-rate

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Lindsey Tepe
Policy Analyst, Education Policy Program

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