Melissa Tooley

Senior Policy Analyst, Education Policy Program

Photo of Melissa Tooley

Melissa Tooley is a senior policy analyst with New America’s Education Policy Program. She provides research and analysis on K-12 policies and practices that impact teaching quality and school leadership. She writes on a variety of topics including co llege- and career-ready standards, and educator preparation, evaluation, development, and retention. Tooley co-authored “Time to Improve: How Federal Policy Can Promote Better Prepared Teachers and School Leaders” with recommendations for revamping federal policies related to improving K-12 teacher and school leader preparation, as well as state systems for educator licensure, induction, compensation, and advancement. Tooley and her work have been cited by such media outlets as the Wall Street Journal, Education Week, and Washington Monthly.

Before joining New America, Tooley was a teacher quality policy analyst at The Education Trust. Tooley completed her master’s in public policy at the University of Chicago, during which time she interned with Chicago Public Schools’ Office of Academic Enhancement and the White House Domestic Policy Council. Prior, she worked in higher education policy at The Institute for College Access & Success, in health policy at the Epilepsy Foundation in New York City, and in market research consulting at Nielsen BASES. Tooley also holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Drew University.


  • K-12 Educator Quality
  • Educator Quality in Higher Education

Direct Contact

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Melissa Tooley
Senior Policy Analyst, Education Policy Program

Featured Publications


  • policy paper | November 21, 2014 |

    Skills for Success

    Supporting and Assessing Key Habits, Mindsets, and Skills in PreK-12

    It is widely acknowledged that parents and communities can play an important role in helping children and adolescents develop habits, mindsets, and...
  • article | October 09, 2014

    Finding a Truce in the Teacher Wars

    “Americans Want a Bar Exam for Teachers.” “More parents join suit to overturn tenure laws.” “Teachers’ Unions Under Fire.” Nearly every day, news h...
  • in the news | September 04, 2014 | Education Policy

    Teachers Unions Under Fire

    Teachers unions are fighting back against a California ruling that gutted two things they hold sacred: tenure laws and seniority provisions. But th...
  • policy paper | March 24, 2014 |

    Time to Improve

    How Federal Policy Can Promote Better Prepared Teachers and School Leaders

    While educator preparation has always been important, it is now more important than ever. Currently, there are more first year teachers in the Unit...