Rabia Chaudry

CIE Fellow, International Security Program

Rabia Chaudry is an attorney and President and founder of the Safe Nation Collaborative.

As a civically engaged legal practitioner, Rabia has experience in immigration law, civil liberties, and national security. The focus of her legal practice has been federal immigration law as well as representing immigrants during FBI and JTTF investigations. Her firm Safe Nation Collaborative works on two fronts: providing CVE and cultural competency training to law enforcement, correctional, and homeland security officials, and providing national security and CVE training to Muslim communities and institutions. Safe Nation's objective is to equip stakeholders in the CVE effort with the tools and information needed for effective engagement and cooperation. To date, Safe Nation has worked with the US Department of Homeland Security, US Department of Justice, the National Counter Terror Center, the Maryland State Police and Correctional Officer Training Commission, and local law enforcement agencies across the region.

Rabia is also a Fellow of the Truman National Security Project and a Fellow of the American Muslim Civic Leadership Institute. In the past she served as the President of the Muslim Coalition of Connecticut, a nonprofit organization committed to coalition building, interfaith relations, and community service;. Rabia currently serves on the Board of the ACLU of Maryland, and is part of the Center for American Progress’s Faith and Immigration Roundtable.

Rabia has been an advocate in the American Muslim community on the grassroots level for many years, working hard to correct misconceptions and build interfaith relationships. Rabia is a frequent public speaker on issues related to diaspora Muslim communities, and her writing has appeared in numerous outlets including Patheos, the Huffington Post, the Chicago Times, the Hartford Courant, CommonDreams.org, The Truman Project, and The Moderate Voice. She has been a speaker at The Global Counterterrorism Forum, the Islamic Society of North America's Annual Conference, the Islamic Circle of North America's Annual Conference, and the 28th Annual Peace, Justice, and Environment Conference as well as dozens of local and regional events.


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Rabia Chaudry
CIE Fellow, International Security Program

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