Apply to be a 2016 New America Fellow

article | January 23, 2015

  • New America

New America’s Fellows Program invests in thinkers — academics, journalists, independent scholars, and public policy analysts — who offer fresh and often unconventional perspectives on the major challenges facing our society.

Fellows advance big ideas through research, reporting, analysis, and/or storytelling. The big idea can be a sweeping reframing of a familiar subject through new research or a new combination of existing research; a masterful presentation of a case study that advances our understanding of a timeless American theme or stress fracture; an innovative new media or academic project to disseminate knowledge about a shared challenge; or a bold policy prescription for moving domestic and international issues forward. Our goal in the Fellows Program is to find bold, iconoclastic thinkers and to fund them for one to two years, long enough so that they can write a book, develop a series of articles, make a documentary, or work on another project that would be accessible to a broad audience and long enough to be able to build a real community among the fellows.

Fellows benefit from a financial stipend, engagement with each other and with New America’s various policy programs, and the expanded audience and exposure from New America and its media partners. Precise terms and stipend levels of fellowships vary widely, as some fellows work full-time at New America in pursuit of their research, while many others have other professional commitments during the term of their fellowship.

In January, we plan to host information sessions about the Fellows Program and the application process in New York City and Washington, D.C. Please email the program manager, Becky Shafer, at if you are interested in learning more about the program or attending one of these sessions.

How to Apply to the Fellows Program:

The application process is highly competitive. To be considered for the 2016 Fellows class, you must apply by March 1, 2015.

The core of the application is a statement of writing interest that should not exceed 2,500 words. Tell us what your subject matter is – your line of inquiry, how you plan to develop it, why you feel this project will enrich an important policy debate, and how you could contribute to and benefit from the program. Applications should also include a resume, and three writing samples (not to exceed 40 pages).

The above requested materials should be mailed or emailed to:

Fellowship Search Committee New America Foundation 1899 L Street, NW, Ste 400 Washington, DC 20036 Phone: (202) 596-3439 Fax: (202) 986-3696 E-mail:

For email submissions, we prefer to receive each part of the application as a separate PDF.

Under no circumstances should candidates contact a member of New America's Board of Directors in relation to a fellowship application.

Inquiries should be sent to

As a matter of commitment, policy and law, the New America Foundation is an equal opportunity employer.

  • Photo of New America

    New America