About the Future of War Program

Developments both in the technological drivers of warfare and the enemies we face have erased the boundaries between what we have traditionally regarded as “war” and “peace.”

Today, we are at a major inflection point, one in which technology is reshaping the way wars are fought. The future of warfare will be shaped by the role of ever-smaller drones; robots on the battlefield; offensive cyber war capabilities; extraordinary surveillance capabilities, both on the battlefield and of particular individuals; greater reliance on Special Operations Forces operating in non-conventional conflicts; the militarization of space, and a Moore’s Law in biotechnology that has important implications for bio-weaponry.


New America is in a unique position to describe the future of warfare in the next decade or more, predict its likely impact on the state and other forms of social organization, do the heavy theoretical lifting that will develop a new paradigm for armed conflict/systematic violence across borders, and prescribe the laws and international protocols necessary to help govern that future.