7 things you need to read on homegrown terrorism

A collection of essays from New America about homegrown terrorism, and how to prevent it

article | October 28, 2014

In preparation for our event, “Preventing the Next Homegrown Attack” on Wednesday, October 29th, here are 7 things you should read on homegrown terrorism and how to prevent it.

Fort Meade and the Maple Leaf by Shane Harris, Foreign Policy

The terror attacks in Ottawa mean that NSA-style surveillance could be coming to Canada much faster than anyone thought.

Homegrown Extremism 2001-2014 by the International Security Program at New America

A database that provides information about American citizens and permanent residents engaged in violent extremist activity.

The Travelling Terrorism Fallacy by David Sterman, The Weekly Wonk

The idea that terrorists from the Islamic State are just a plane ticket away from attacking the United States is false. In fact, the FBI and CIA have created a series of layered defenses to thwart not just jihadists coming to the United States, but their access to resources if they get here.

The Social Labratory by Shane Harris, Foreign Policy

Singapore is testing whether mass surveillance and big data can not only protect national security, but also actually engineer a more harmonious society.

U.S. right wing extremists more deadly than jihadists by Peter Bergen and David Sterman, CNN

Since 9/11, extremists affiliated with a variety of far-right wing ideologies have killed more people in the United States than have extremists motivated by al Qaeda's ideology.

Do NSA's Bulk Surveillance Programs Stop Terrorism? by the International Security Program at New America

An in-depth analysis of 251 individuals recruited by al Qaida or like-minded groups, and charged in the United States with an act of terrorism since 9/11, shows the contribution of NSA's bulk surveil-lance programs to these cases was minimal, and that traditional investigative methods were more helpful.

It’s not just about privacy by Danielle Kehl, The Weekly Wonk

The value of mass surveillance and other far-reaching NSA activities have not actually been proven, but we do know one thing- the NSA’s programs are bad for the U.S. economy, American foreign poli-cy, and the security of the Internet as a whole.
