7 Things You Need to Read on Iran

article | September 24, 2014

Today, New America will host a conversation between Dr. Hassan Rouhani, President of Iran, and Fareed Zakaria, Host of Global Public Square on CNN. The conversation comes at a crucial point, as the Islamic Republic recently asked the U.S. to relax its stance on Iran’s uranium enrichment program in exchange for support fighting the Islamic State (the U.S. has dismissed the request). What’s more, the current round of negotiations between the United States and Iran over its nuclear capacity is scheduled to end November 25. Here are seven articles that offer insight into the negotiations, and provide solutions on what each side could do to achieve an agreement.

Tehran Tea Leaves & Inequality Playbook (Podcast) by Jake Sullivan, The Weekly Wonk

Jake Sullivan, Vice President Joe Biden’s national security adviser and a key engineer of the Iranian interim nuclear deal, spotlights the most overlooked lever for changing policy in Iran– and sheds light on the administration’s long-term strategy.

On Iran, Compromise Needed by Fareed Zakaria, The Washington Post

After a potential deal between Iran and the United States fell through in January, New America Board Member Fareed Zakaria says that Tehran and the West need to start thinking creatively about how to get around the main obstacle they will face – not each other, but each countries own hardliners.

Q+A with Suzanne DiMaggio by PBS

A comprehensive Q+A with Director of New America’s Iran Initiative Suzanne DiMaggio, who answers frequently asked questions on the potential for a nuclear Iran, including the threat it could pose to Israel.

Iran Missed the Real Revolution by Afshin Molavi, The Weekly Wonk

With world’s second largest gas reserves, third largest oil reserves and a talented, highly educated population and a wealthy diaspora hungry to help the homeland, Iran should be an emerging economic powerhouse. But the roots of Iran’s lack of economic growth go back to 1979, the year of the overthrow of the Shah and installation of the current government.

Track II Primer by Suzanne DiMaggio, United States Institute of Peace

An essential background guide on Track II diplomacy, which are off-the-record conversations between countries that have no official relations. This guide gives an account of talks between Iran and the United States since 1997, and looks to the future, pondering what negotiations between the two countries might hold.

Bringing the Iran Deal Back Home by Anne-Marie Slaughter, Project Syndicate

A successful agreement between Iran and the United States requires not only a deal between both countries, but also a deal with each country's domestic population. With politicians in both countries threatening to undermine any agreement, both sides must strike a deal they can “sell” to their constituents back home.

How to Win Sanctions and Sometimes Influence People by Tara Maller, The Weekly Wonk

Sanctions are probably less effective than you think they are, says former CIA analyst Tara Maller. But that doesn't mean they are completely useless, it just means that they are one tool out of many that should be used in concert.
