Next Steps for Israelis and Palestinians

Assessing the Impact of the Gaza Conflict

event | September 17, 2014

  • New America

Next Steps for Israelis and Palestinians : Assessing the Impact of the Gaza Conflict

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

09:00 am – 10:30 am

New America

1899 L Street NW Suite 400

Washington, DC 20036


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The 50-day heightened hostilities in Gaza left an unprecedented scale of damage. The UN reports 2131 Palestinians were killed, 1473 identified as civilians, including 501 children. 108,000 persons are homeless and nearly half a million with inadequate water access. Gaza's economic sector also suffered major devastation, including the destruction or damage of hundreds of factories and thousands of acres of farmland. The IDF reports that 4,000 rockets were fired. 67 soldiers and 6 civilians were killed.

Beyond the human toll, lies a polarized, radical political landscape in both Israel and Palestine. In the West Bank, tensions run high with increased numbers of housing demolitions and arrest. While the open-ended ceasefire continues to hold, prospects for further escalation remains high amidst a huge recovery challenge. With the Kerry initiative at a dead-end and regional turmoil dominating headlines, is there any hope for a political process now?

Please join New America on September 17 for a discussion on the conflict and its aftermath with Hagai El-Ad, Director of B'Tselem, and writer Samer Badawi, recently returned from the Gaza Strip.

Join us online using #nextstepsGaza and following @NewAmerica.

Featured Speakers

Hagai El-Ad Executive Director, B'Tselem

Samer Badawi Writer, +972 Magazine


Leila Hilal Senior Fellow, International Security Program, New America