The International Security Program aims to provide evidence-based analysis of some of the thorniest questions facing American policymakers and the public. We are largely focused on South Asia and the Middle East, al-Qaeda and allied groups, the rise of political Islam, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), homeland security, and the activities of U.S. Special Forces and the CIA.

  • in the news | December 05, 2014 | International Security

    In and Out of Time in Iraq

    Tom Ricks
    In the spring of 2004, there simultaneously was a Shiite uprising on one side of Baghdad and a Sunni one west of the city, in Fallujah. Yet, the Am...
  • in the news | November 21, 2014 |

    Not all drones are created equal

    Peter Warren Singer
    On Nov. 20, we hosted a Google Hangout with Peter W. Singer, top-notch strategist and senior fellow at the New America Foundation in Washington D.C...
  • in the news | November 21, 2014 |

    Iran Nuclear Negotiations

    Leaders from the National Iranian American Council (NIAC) and Iran policy scholars briefed congressional staffers on the potential national securit...