The International Security Program aims to provide evidence-based analysis of some of the thorniest questions facing American policymakers and the public. We are largely focused on South Asia and the Middle East, al-Qaeda and allied groups, the rise of political Islam, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), homeland security, and the activities of U.S. Special Forces and the CIA.

  • article | September 24, 2014 |

    7 Things You Need to Read on Iran

    Today, New America will host a conversation between Dr. Hassan Rouhani, President of Iran, and Fareed Zakaria, Host of Global Public Square on CNN....
  • article | September 22, 2014 |

    7 articles you need to read about ISIS

    A collection of the best content on ISIS from New America.

    On September 10, President Obama announced his strategy to defeat the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. During the speech, the President claimed tha...