The International Security Program aims to provide evidence-based analysis of some of the thorniest questions facing American policymakers and the public. We are largely focused on South Asia and the Middle East, al-Qaeda and allied groups, the rise of political Islam, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), homeland security, and the activities of U.S. Special Forces and the CIA.

  • in the news | August 08, 2014 |

    Why Obama Will Bomb Syria | Politico

    New America
    As the terrorism analysts Doug Ollivant and Brian Fishman have noted, ISIL “holds territory, provides limited services, dispenses a form of justice...
  • in the news | August 06, 2014 |

    Can a Rebuilt Gaza Build Economy? | Marketplace

    New America
    Leila Hilal, senior fellow at the New America Foundation, said Gaza has human capital that could drive economic development. “Gazans are very enter...
  • in the news | July 29, 2014 | International Security

    The War Of Zeros And Ones

    Peter Singer
    Military operations around the world are quickly expanding into the digital realm. With cyberwarfare, we’re all in the line of fire. Click here to ...