The U.S., Israel and the Regional Dimensions of an Iran Nuclear Deal

event | December 10, 2014

  • New America

The U.S., Israel and the Regional Dimensions of an Iran Nuclear Deal

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

3:00 pm – 4:30 pm

New America

1899 L Street NW Suite 400

Washington, DC 20036


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Reaching an agreement on Iran's nuclear program that ensures Iran will not obtain a nuclear weapon has been a top priority on President Obama's foreign policy agenda. Despite deep and regular consultations with the Israeli government on this ongoing diplomatic effort, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has consistently objected to any agreement that leaves any Iranian nuclear program in place.

Join New America as we bring together Shlomo Brom, Suzanne DiMaggio, Matthew Duss, and Ilan Goldenberg for a discussion on regional security dimensions of a nuclear deal, the extent of U.S.-Israel cooperation on the Iran issue, Israel's concerns with the current negotiations, and whether and how those concerns can be fully addressed in any comprehensive deal between Iran and the U.S. and its partners.

Follow the discussion online using #IranDimensions and following @NewAmerica.


Shlomo Brom
Visting Fellow, Center for American Progress Former Israeli Defense Forces Brigadier General

Suzanne DiMaggio
Senior Fellow and Director of the Iran Initiative, New America @suzannedimaggio

Ilan Goldenberg
Senior Fellow and Middle East Security Program Director, Center for a New American Security Former Chief of Staff to the Special Envoy for Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations @ilangoldenberg


Matthew Duss President, Foundation for Middle East Peace @MattDuss
