Gaza from the Ground

event | November 10, 2014

  • New America

Gaza from the Ground

Monday, November 10, 2014

9:30 am – 11:00 am

New America

1899 L Street NW Suite 400

Washington, DC 20036


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The recent war between Israeli and Hamas forces in Gaza is well known through the catastrophic counts and photo images of the widespread death and destruction. Hidden beneath those dramatic figures and images, however, are the day-to-day human realities of life in Israel and Palestine leading up to, during, and after the traumatic 51 days of violence.

Beyond the headlines and newsmakers, what toll does this cycle of war and burden of restrictions have on Palestinians who grow up and raise families in Gaza? How do individuals and communities—both in Israel and Palestine--cope with the suffering the conflict brings? And what do these realities mean for their societies, politics, and for any hope of a future peace?

Join New America and the Foundation for Middle East Peace for a conversation with Alice Rothchild, author of On the Brink: Israel and Palestine on the Eve of the 2014 Gaza Invasion, and New America Jacobs Foundation Fellow Brian K. Barber, who has been researching the dynamics of Palestinian families since the First Intifada, as they discuss their recent reporting trips to Gaza and the impact of conflict from the ground. The discussion will be moderated by journalist Samer Badawi, who covered the latest round of conflict, Operation Protective Edge, for +972 Magazine.


Alice Rothchild
Filmmaker, Physician, and Author, On the Brink: Israel and Palestine on the Eve of the 2014 Gaza Invasion

Brian K. Barber
Jacobs Foundation Fellow, New America
Director, Center for the Study of Youth and Political Conflict, University of Tennessee

Samer Badawi
Writer and Middle East Analyst
Contributer, +972 Magazine
