Millennials Rising

Next Generation Policices for the Thriving Next Generation

event | October 16 - 17, 2014

  • New America

Millennials Rising : Next Generation Policices for the Thriving Next Generation

October 16 - 17, 2014

Long View Gallery

1234 9th St. NW

Washington, DC 20001

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Millennials are on the move but current policies aren’t keeping up. Instead of helping this rising generation navigate the changing economic, social, and technological conditions that shape their pathways into the job market, ability to raise a family, and ways to engage with their communities, policies designed for a bygone era are throwing up roadblocks.

We need a new agenda that reflect modern realities and support the needs of the Millinnial generation.

Please join New America, Young Invincibles, and the Roosevelt Campus Network for a day-and-a-half exploration of the challenges facing Millennials and policies to help them succeed. This invitation-only symposium seeks to engage a diverse group participants across a range of policy perspectives for this conversation and elevate the voices of those in the room as the experts on how to achieve this vision.

Click here to view the agenda.

More resources can be found here.
