Rethink Borders

Why We Need a North American Passport

article | January 26, 2015

  • New America

Borders are perhaps the biggest and most contentious issue when it comes to trade, immigration, diplomacy, and innovation. Twenty years after NAFTA and with the Trans-Pacific Partnership on the horizon, it's time to update the United States' border-sharing relationships with its neighbors. One provocative way to start the conversation: Let's create a North American passport, say Andres Martinez and Daniel Kurtz-Phelan in the third in New America's Big Ideas series on CNN. Martinez and Kurtz-Phelan point out that the privileges of movement and access shared among the United States, Canada, and Mexico should reflect just how interwoven our respective economies--including education, manufacturing, and research, in addition to trade itself--have become.

Listen to Anne-Marie Slaughter in conversation with Martinez and Kurtz-Phelan about their big idea.


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    New America