The Half-Baked War

article | October 09, 2014

  • New America

No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy. After more than two weeks of bombing ISIL, what re-adjustments is the President making now that the terrorist organization has reportedly advanced near the Turkish border? In a Google Hangout on Wednesday September 8th, experts answered your questions on a broad range of topics, including why the Iraqi army was defeated so quickly, if there is a potential for the United States to work with Iran, and what even are the goals of the United States in Syria. Watch the whole conversation here.

Panelists: Douglas A. Ollivant, an ASU Future of War Senior Fellow at New America

Brian Fishman, a Counterterrorism Research Fellow in the International Security Program at New America

Moderator: Tim Mauer, an Open Technology Institute Research Fellow.

More: 7 articles you need to read on ISIS


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    New America