A New Israeli Media Podcast

podcast | November 14, 2014

  • New America

Journalism in Israel has a long legacy, with veteran media outlets covering every aspect of Israeli political and cultural life—everything from music and film stories, domestic social welfare issues, and the military occupation of the Palestinian territories. In recent years, though, independent digital magazines like +972 Magazine and Local Call have launched using new editorial and financial models. They have generated a great deal of attention with their commentary and reportage of stories often ignored by the established Israeli media.

How are these new media players affecting the discourse within Israel and beyond? Join New America NYC for a conversation to explore these questions and more with Noam Sheizaf, co-founder and CEO of +972; Yael Marom, co-founder and co-editor of Local Call; and Jamie Taraby, an award-winning international correspondent who recounts her own experiences as a reporter in Israel and the occupied Palestinian Territories in her memoir, A Crazy Occupation: Eyewitness to the Infitada.

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