New America NYC is dedicated to big ideas and lively conversation. It is an initiative of New America, an independent and non-ideological organization that invests in new thinkers, breakthrough research and policy innovation to address the most important challenges facing the United States and the world.

  • podcast | November 05, 2014 |

    When Girls Live as Boys Podcast

    A Broadly Speaking Event in collaboration with the Global Gender Parity Initiative

    New America
    Instead of wearing a headscarf and dress, it's not uncommon for an Afghan girl to get a short haircut and a pair of pants, and to be sent off into ...
  • podcast | October 30, 2014 |

    Will Amazon Lead Us to the Golden Age of Books

    In collaboration with Future Tense

    New America
    We've been saying that Amazon has revolutionized books ever since the company first enabled us to order a book late at night in our pj's ... and at...
  • podcast | October 23, 2014 |

    The E-Team Podcast

    In collaboration with the Human Rights Institute, Columbia Law School

    New America
    Directed by Academy Award® Winner Ross Kauffman and Emmy Award® Nominee Katy Chevigny, E-TEAM follows the high-stakes work of four fiercely intrepi...
  • podcast | October 02, 2014 |

    Feminism at a Crossroad Podcast

    A Broadly Speaking event in collaboration with The New Republic

    New America
    Feminism is currently having a cultural moment. It is part of mainstream culture in a way that has not been seen before the popular influence of Sh...
  • podcast | September 18, 2014 |

    Fleeing War and Finding Family Podcast

    In collaboration with Slate and Riverhead Books

    New America
    Years after Sarah Wildman’s grandparents had both passed away, Wildman found a cache of letters written to her grandfather in a file labeled “Corre...
  • podcast | September 11, 2014 |

    The Teacher Wars

    New America
    Why is teaching the most controversial profession in America? Historically, American public school teaching developed as an explicitly anti-intelle...