The Rise of Extreme Daycare Podcast

podcast | December 18, 2014

  • New America

As wealth inequality in America reaches new heights and wage growth for the middle and lower classes remains stagnant, more and more Americans are being forced to work late-night and early-morning shifts in order to support their families.

But who's looking after their kids?

Ten years ago, 9-to-5 childcare was standard. Not anymore. In a piece for Pacific Standard, Alissa Quart explores the fast rise of 24-hour daycare centers, where children are dropped off and picked up around the clock, and where many kids stay overnight. Quart calls this "extreme daycare." Are 24-hour childcare center destined to become the new normal? How will this trend affect the development of our children? Will it instill a new sense of independence -- or, rather, abandonment -- within a generation?

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  • Photo of New America

    New America