End of the Line

The Rise and Coming Fall of the Global Corporation

book | August 01, 2005

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Though some might view his concerns as excessively alarmist, Lynn delivers a welcome new facet to the antiglobalization debate, moving well beyond the stale "corporations are evil" argument to lay out a worrying economic overview. — Publishers Weekly

The American people are relying on a global industrial system, which has serious structural flaws, and Lynn offers a thought-provoking perspective on the system's winners and those at risk.

BY: Booklist

Barry C. Lynn's The End of the Line is a sobering wake-up call, a brilliantly argued analysis of the limits of globalization. By officially pronouncing Fordism dead, Lynn allows the reader to understand how dependant U.S. companies have become on China and other manufacturing-based countries. Every American has a duty to read this book.

BY: Douglas Brinkley, Professor Of History And Director Of The Roosevelt Center At Tulane University

Lynn has used his investigative skills to clearly and readably explain this danger to the general public.

BY: Arthur Hartman, Former U.S. Ambassador To The Soviet Union And France

Barry Lynn's book, based on careful reporting, is a real step forward because it dramatizes the stakes for Americans and clarifies the choices the country has to make.

BY: James Fallows, Author Of Breaking The News And National Correspondent For The Atlantic Monthly

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