6 articles you need to read about Net Neutrality

article | October 03, 2014

Soon, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler is expected to make a decision on what the future of the Internet could look like. The FCC is in the process of creating new rules on net neutrality – the idea that all content on the Internet should be treated the same –i.e., no fast or slow lanes– by Internet Service Providers and the government. On one side of the argument are large broadband carriers and ISPs, who argue that Internet fast lanes would give users a better online experience….for a cost. But some groups including New America’s Open Technology Institute, believe that the internet should remain open, and that fast lanes could stifle innovation and create major barriers to entry for startups. Here are six articles you should read on the Net Neutrality debate.

Internet Coach Class by Danielle Kehl and Sarah Morris, The Weekly Wonk

If you want a glimpse into what the speed of your Internet connection might look like under the newly proposed Open Internet rules, take yourself back to the last uncomfortable hour of a long plane flight.

Which Way, Mr Wheeler? by Sarah Morris and Benjamin Lennett, The Weekly Wonk

After comments and an e-book from FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, members of the Open Technology Institute show what the internet would look like if Chairman Wheeler’s statements were enacted..

Why the U.S. Net Neutrality Debate Matters Globally by Danielle Kehl, The Hill

The debate over net neutrality doesn’t just matter in the United States, it matters to the rest of the world. At stake is whether the United States will continue to be a leader in protecting the right of users to freely access the content of their choosing online.

Netflix Takes On Comcast. Here's Why You Should Care by Sarah Morris, Slate

Arcane phrases like “Peering” and “net neutrality” may sound dull, but the future of your entertainment is at stake over them.

“Peering” Into The Risks To The Internet’s Future by Sarah Morris, The Weekly Wonk

Although you might think that “peering” is related to NSA surveillance, it’s actually related to issues like net neutrality, and has implications for the proposed merger of the country’s two largest cable companies: Comcast and Time Warner Cable.

US Should Look to Brazil and the EU for Strong Net Neutrality Rules by Danielle Kehl, The Hill

In Sao Paolo and Brussels, lawmakers took a firm stand on protecting net neutrality, siding with advocates of a free and open Internet even in the face of fierce lobbying from incumbent service providers. The United States, argues Danielle Kehl, should do the same.
