LTE Means Wireless Faces No Technical Hurdles From Tough Net Neutrality Rules, NAF Says

in the news | November 14, 2014

Communications Daily

Michael Calabrese:

*There’s no engineering reason why the same net neutrality rules imposed on fixed networks can’t be imposed on mobile, said New America’s Open Technology Institute (OTI) Thursday in a paper filed at the FCC. FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler told public interest groups Monday and carriers Wednesday that the agency is still working through the legal underpinnings of mobile net neutrality (see 1411120041). Michael Calabrese, director of OTI’s Wireless Future Project, told us he was scheduled to brief key staffers on the report in meetings Thursday.

LTE “is capable of managing moderate congestion through prioritization protocols that are applica¬tion-agnostic (e.g., user-directed prioritization) and which can, when faced with severe congestion, prior¬itize latency-sensitive traffic while avoiding discrimination among like applications, content, or services,” OTI told the FCC.*
