NSA Spying Will Cost US Tech Titans Billions, and That's Just the Start | Motherboard

in the news | July 29, 2014


New America:

“Too often, we have discussed the National Security Agency’s surveillance programs through the distorting lens of a simplistic ‘security versus privacy’ narrative,” Danielle Kehl, a policy analyst at OTI and the primary author of the report, said in a statement. “But if you look closer, the more accurate story is that in the name of security, we’re trading away not only privacy, but also the US tech economy, internet openness, America’s foreign policy interests, and cybersecurity."

Kevin Bankston, OTI’s Policy Director and an author of the report, is cautiously optimistic about the USA Freedom Act, but points out that it will take time for the US tech industry to regain the trust of both users and potential corporate and government clients.