OTI joins Public Knowledge in Reply to Opposition filing opposing Comcast-Time Warner Cable merger

article | December 23, 2014

The Open Technology Institute at the New America Foundation joined Public Knowledge in submitting reply to opposition to petition to deny comments to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on the Application of Comcast Corp. and Time Warner Cable Inc., For Consent to Assign and Transfer Control of FCC Licenses and Other Authorizations. Full text of comments are available in the attached PDF.

In its response to the many nonprofits, consumers, creators, and companies that filed in opposition to its merger, Comcast largely repeats its initial arguments while casting aspersions on the motivations of those who questions its proposed unprecedented accumulation of power. The Commission already has the evidence it needs to block this merger, but Public Knowledge (PK) and the Open Technology Institute (OTI) submit this filing to address a few brief points.

Full text of comments are available in the attached PDF.
