OTI Welcomes Sprint as Latest Network Neutrality Supporter; Urges Prompt FCC Action

press release | January 16, 2015

  • New America

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Sprint’s Chief Technology Officer Stephen Bye submitted a letter to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), noting that a light-touch regulatory approach to network neutrality under Title II authority would not deter investment or impede the company’s mobile broadband deployment. The letter refutes industry claims that Title II would thwart broadband investment. Congressional Republicans also released today the text of a legislative bill that would implement some limited network neutrality protections but also broadly restrict the FCC’s authority over broadband in the process. While this move represents a significant shift in Republicans’ messaging toward network neutrality, it should not deter the FCC from moving swiftly toward strong rules.

The following statement can be attributed to Alan Davidson, Vice President of New America and Director of the Open Technology Institute:

“This week marked the anniversary of the court decision that struck down the FCC’s 2010 Open Internet rules. Over the past year, support for network neutrality has grown to include millions of public commenters, companies large and small, and a wide range of consumer and communications advocates. We welcome Sprint’s acknowledgment that strong rules grounded in sound legal authority will not impede investment in broadband networks, particularly as Congress begins to consider legislation that would restrict the FCC’s authority over Internet providers and limit the agency’s ability to respond to discriminatory practices not explicitly addressed in the bill.

"Competition and openness are not partisan values -- they are American values. It is encouraging to see leaders on both sides of the aisle embracing a free and open Internet. At the same time, nothing in the bill released today should deter the FCC from acting as soon as possible to protect American Internet users."

Expert Contacts
Alan Davidson
Director, Open Technology Institute
Vice President, New America
(202) 596-3426

Sarah Morris
Senior Policy Counsel, Open Technology Institute
(202) 596-3409


For more information or to schedule an interview, please contact Jenny Mallamo, Media Relations Associate, at (202) 596-3368 or mallamo@newamerica.org.


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    New America