OTI wins prestigious partnership with the abc* Foundation for Commotion mesh network technology

article | December 05, 2013

We’re excited to announce that the ABC* Foundation has selected the Open Technology Institute (OTI) for a prestigious two-year partnership to deploy OTI’s Commotion toolkit for free, ubiquitous and more secure communications technologies. The ABC Foundation’s partnerships are awarded through a competitive process dedicated to finding and elevating entrepreneurs making significant contributions to their communities. The award follows OTI Director Sascha Meinrath’s groundbreaking presentation of the Commotion platform at ABC*’s Continuity Forum last month in Miami, which highlighted the need for increased technological acumen in a 21st century economy and the urgency of increasing digital literacy amongst the poor.

Check out the video below of Sascha’s presentation: Sascha Meinrath from abc* Foundation on Vimeo.

You can also read the press release on the award, or read more information on Commotion on the Commotion website.
