The Open Technology Institute strengthens communities through grounded research, technological innovation, and policy reform. We create reforms to support open source innovations and foster open technologies and communications networks. Partnering with communities, researchers, industry and public interest groups, we promote affordable, universal, and ubiquitous communications networks.

  • article | July 11, 2014 |

    The CISPA-Zombie Won’t Die

    Instead, It Changed Its Name to CISA and It’s Here to Violate Your Privacy.

    On Tuesday, the Senate Intelligence Committee met in secret and approved the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2014 (CISA)(S. 2588). The bil...
  • article | July 03, 2014 |

    Build With, Not For

    A #CivicTech Manifesto

    Crafting high-quality civic technology — projects and tools designed withsocial impact in mind — requires thought, creativity, and intentionality —...
  • article | June 30, 2014 |

    Neither Bottom-Up Nor Top-Down

    3 Tips for Horizontal Organizing

    Crafting high-quality civic technology — projects and tools designed withsocial impact in mind — requires thought, creativity, and intentionality —...
  • article | June 27, 2014 |

    On Accountability and Audience

    Why We Didn't Have a Funk Parade Hackathon

    Crafting high-quality civic technology — projects and tools designed with social impact in mind — requires thought, creativity, and intentionality ...