The Open Technology Institute strengthens communities through grounded research, technological innovation, and policy reform. We create reforms to support open source innovations and foster open technologies and communications networks. Partnering with communities, researchers, industry and public interest groups, we promote affordable, universal, and ubiquitous communications networks.

  • article | December 11, 2013 |

    Building a Mesh Networks in Rural Somaliland

    Daniel Hastings
    I had heard about mesh networking before I arrived in Somaliland, but had never been in the position to actually build a mesh network. When I accep...
  • article | December 09, 2013 |

    A Guide to the Wassenaar Arrangement

    New America
    The Open Technology Institute is currently engaged in a joint project on export controls with Privacy International and Digitale Gesellschaft. The ...
  • article | September 18, 2013 |

    Broadband and Education

    New America
    Access to the Internet is increasingly critical to success both inside and outside of the classroom. Students, parents, and teachers across the Uni...
  • book | January 01, 2012 |

    Consent of the Networked

    The Worldwide Struggle For Internet Freedom

    A global struggle for control of the Internet is now underway. At stake are no less than civil liberties, privacy and even the character of democra...
  • book | May 03, 2011 |

    Will the Last Reporter Please Turn Out the Lights

    The Collapse of Journalism and What Can Be Done to Fix It

    Robert W. McChesney Victor Pickard
    The sudden meltdown of the news media has sparked one of the liveliest debates in recent memory, with an outpouring of opinion and analysis crackli...
  • book | November 23, 2010 |

    Audience Evolution

    New Technologies and the Transformation of Media Audiences

    Philip Napoli
    Today's consumers have unprecedented choice in terms of the technologies and platforms that access, produce, and distribute media content. The deve...
  • book | November 01, 2010 |

    The Master Switch

    The Rise and Fall of Information Empires

    According to Columbia professor and policy advocate Tim Wu, the great information empires of the 20th century have followed a clear and distinctive...