The Open Technology Institute strengthens communities through grounded research, technological innovation, and policy reform. We create reforms to support open source innovations and foster open technologies and communications networks. Partnering with communities, researchers, industry and public interest groups, we promote affordable, universal, and ubiquitous communications networks.

  • book | February 09, 2010 |

    Beyond the Echo Chamber

    How a Networked Progressive media Can Reshape American Politics

    Jessica Clark Tracy Van Slyke
    AmazonLink: What do high-impact projects look like? What are the common goals against which success mi...
  • book | April 28, 2005 |

    Speak Softly and Carry A Big Stick

    How Local TV Broadcasters Exert Political Power

    J. H. Snider
    AmazonLink: Speak Softly describes the Machiavellian strategies local TV broadcasters have used to inf...

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