President Obama Endorses Strong Approach to Net Neutrality

President calls for Title II reclassification and bright-line rules that ban paid prioritization and protect mobile broadband users

press release | November 10, 2014

  • New America

WASHINGTON, DC – President Obama endorsed a robust and straightforward approach to net neutrality rules on Monday, urging the FCC to reclassify broadband under Title II of the Telecommunications Act. In a detailed statement and video on the White House website, the President also called for bright-line rules that ban paid prioritization and fully apply to mobile broadband.

The following statement can be attributed to Alan Davidson, Vice President of New America and Director of the Open Technology Institute:

"We applaud the President's call for strong net neutrality rules and thank him for his leadership. President Obama is right -- the best way to protect the open Internet is with strong rules and with FCC authority to enforce them under Title II of the Telecommunications Act. This is what millions of Americans have asked for, and it's time for the FCC to act."

The president's announcement comes three days after the Open Technology Institute and more than 70 other organizations sent a letter urging the FCC to reclassify under Title II and to reject a convoluted "sender-side" approach to net neutrality rules.


  • Photo of New America

    New America