Privacy Groups Submit Comments to the NTIA on Metadata Privacy Protections

article | August 06, 2014

Yesterday, OTI joined a coalition of public interest organizations, including Public Knowledge, Common Cause, and Free Press in submitting comments to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) on the importance of strong legal protections for telecommunications metadata. The comments were submitted to NTIA in response to a June 6 request regarding the implications of the White House working group's Big Data Report. "In light of the [Big Data] Report's recognition that metadata merit robust privacy protections, we urge the Administration to clarify a section of its Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights framework that addresses existing legal protections for metadata under the Communications Act," the letter states. It goes on to urge the Administration to adopt even stronger privacy protections for metadata than currently exist, highlighting the broad public support for these reform efforts.

Read the letter in full here
