STATEMENT: FCC Launches New Consumer Help Center to Improve Data Collection and Transparency

press release | January 05, 2015

  • New America

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) launched its new Consumer Help Center, which is designed to improve the process of collecting and aggregating consumer complaint data. Key features of the new Help Center include a simplified web-based submission portal, improved educational tools, and a streamlined process for complaint review.

The following statement can be attributed to Danielle Kehl, a policy analyst at New America’s Open Technology Institute:

“Protecting consumers is one of the FCC’s foremost responsibilities, and we applaud the FCC for taking steps to update and streamline the consumer complaint process. The new system will enable greater transparency about the type and volume of these complaints, and the system is a critical component of two broader goals: modernizing the FCC’s infrastructure and improving data collection practices. We are pleased that the FCC will continue to expand the consumer complaint data that it releases in the coming months, and hope that this is the first step in a continuing effort to improve other outdated systems as well.”


  • Photo of New America

    New America