Completing College: A National View of Student Attainment Rates – Fall 2007 Cohort

article | February 07, 2014

The National Student Clearinghouse has issued a research brief looking at the six-year outcomes of students who first enrolled in postsecondary education in the fall of 2007. The brief provides data broken down by type of postsecondary institution and by student enrollment intensity (e.g., full-time, part-time).

Among the findings: - Within six years of starting their postsecondary education at a 4-year private nonprofit, 69.1% had completed at a four-year institution, 2.6% had completed at a 2-year institution, 9.8% were still enrolled in school, and 18.4% were no longer enrolled in school. - Within six years of starting their postsecondary education at a 4-year public institution, 58.4% had completed at a four-year institution, 3.5% had completed at a 2-year institution, 15.2% were still enrolled in school, and 22.9% were no longer enrolled in school. - Within six years of starting their postsecondary education at a 4-year private for-profit institution, 40% had completed at a four-year institution, 2.3% had completed at a 2-year institution, 13.3% were still enrolled in school, and 44.5% were no longer enrolled in school. - Within six years of starting their postsecondary education at a 2-year public institution, 28.6% had completed at a two-year institution, 8.8% had completed at a 4-year institution, 19.1% were still enrolled in school, and 43.5% were no longer enrolled in school. - Within six years of starting their postsecondary education at a 2-year private for-profit institution, 60.5% had completed at a two-year institution, 2.1% had completed at a 4-year institution, 7.4% were still enrolled in school, and 30% were no longer enrolled in school. - Students enrolled on an exclusively full-time basis had significantly higher completion rates within 6 years of first enrolling. - Of students enrolled exclusively full-time, 76.2% had completed a degree within six years, 3.5% were still enrolled in school, and 20.3% were no longer enrolled. - Of students enrolled exclusively part-time, 21.9% had completed a degree within six years, 10.9% were still enrolled in school, and 67.1% were no longer enrolled. - Of students enrolled on a mixed basis (i.e., periods of full-time and part-time), 41.4% had completed a degree within six years, 25.4% were still enrolled in school, and 33.1% were no longer enrolled.
