Student Debt and the Class of 2013

Featured Report

article | December 19, 2014

    Elizabeth Blume

The Institute for College Access and Success published its ninth annual report on the cumulative student loan debt of recent graduates from four-year colleges. Their analysis shows that debt levels are up two percent from 2012 from $27,850 on average per borrower in 2012 to $28,400 in 2013 and that seven in ten (69%) seniors who graduated from public and private nonprofit colleges had student loan debt. For-profit college graduates were found to be 29% more likely to have loans than graduates of public and nonprofit private institutions and, on average, owed 43% more than their other peers.

Among the primary findings of the report:

  • State averages for debt at graduation from public and private nonprofit colleges ranged widely, from $18,650 to $32,800. High debt states are concentrated in the Northeast and Midwest. Low debt states are primarily in the West and South.
    • Included in the report is an interactive map with details for all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and more than 1,000 public and nonprofit four-year colleges.
  • Among those institutions who contributed data to the report (over 1,000) average debt ranged from $2,250 to $71,350 and the percentage of students with debt ranged from 10 percent to 100 percent.

    • The 20 highest debt public colleges have an average debt range from $33,950 to $48,850. The 20 highest debt private nonprofit colleges have an average debt range from $41,750 to $71,350.
  • The report makes five policy recommendations to reduce the burden of student debt:

    • Reduce the need to borrow:
      • Increase Pell Grants by doubling the maximum amount and covering a higher share of costs for low-income students; and
      • Prevent state disinvestment by ensuring that new federal dollars supplement, rather than supplant, state and local education funding.
    • Help keep loan payments manageable by simplifying and raising awareness of income-based repayment plans:
      • Replace the multiple income-based repayment plans currently available with a single plan that caps payments at 10% of income and offers loan forgiveness after 20 years of payments;
      • Raise awareness of repayment options through continuous outreach to borrowers showing signs of financial distress;
      • Help students and families make informed choices by providing them with clear, timely, accurate and comparable information for college decision-making;
      • Allow the Department of Education to collect data directly from private lenders;
      • Authorize the Department of Education to collect data on private loan borrowing from colleges via the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS);
      • Allow students to apply for aid earlier using tax data available; and
      • Provide better consumer information to parents and students through improved College Scorecards, Shopping Sheets, Net Price Calculators and loan counseling.
    • Strengthen college accountability by rewarding colleges that reduce student borrowers’ and taxpayers’ risk:
      • End federal financial aid eligibility for the worst-performing colleges;
      • Require that colleges with large amounts of student debt share the financial risk;
      • Reward colleges with low debt levels; and
      • Encourage increases in the enrollment of low income students.

Reduce risky private loan borrowing by requiring school certification of private loans, creating a market for refinancing private loans, restoring fair bankruptcy treatment for private loan borrowers, and encouraging community colleges to participate in the federal loan program


  • Photo of Elizabeth Blume

    Elizabeth Blume