
  • article | January 23, 2015 |

    Objects in Motion Stay in Motion – Or Do They?

    Jay Pelosky
    2015 has started off right where 2014 ended – with a tricky state of affairs for those in the investing business. Trends have extended – good for t...
  • article | January 05, 2015 |

    Step back to go forward on global growth

    Jay Pelosky
    As 2015 dawns the prospect looms of another year of disappointing global growth. Broken growth models litter the economic landscape. Divergent cent...
  • article | September 17, 2014 |

    Economic Soufflé at Risk of Implosion

    Jay Pelosky
    Europe is stagnating and global demand remains inadequate The prospect of higher interest rates remains the bête noire of financial markets, judgin...
  • article | October 01, 2013 |

    Forget The Wealth Effect

    It’s Time to Focus on The Income Effect to Understand the Sluggish Economy

    Peter W. Atwater
    The “wealth effect” concept is remarkably simple: spending increases (decreases) as perceived wealth increases (decreases). When people perceive th...
  • article | September 13, 2013 |

    Looking Back at the Financial Crisis

    The Role of Saturating Overconfidence

    Peter W. Atwater
    It has been five years since the failure of Lehman Brothers and the beginning of the global financial crisis. Over this time, dozens of books have ...

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