Policy Papers

  • policy paper | December 10, 2014 |

    Inside the Banker's Brain

    Mental Models in the Financial Services Industry and Implications for Consumers, Practitioners and Regulators

    In a revealing look at mindsets in the financial industry, “Inside the Banker’s Brain: Mental Models in the Financial Services Industry and Implica...
  • policy paper | December 02, 2014 |

    2015 Outlook - Tough Choices Ahead

    Jay Pelosky
    While the year-end equity rally continues apace, it is time to look ahead into next year and assess the challenges and opportunities 2015 will brin...
  • policy paper | November 12, 2014 |

    Why the Fed is Flummoxed by the U.S. Labor Market

    Daniel Alpert
    In the latest statement from the Federal Open Market Committee, Fed Chair Janet Yellen seemed to set aside some of her earlier concern about slack ...
  • policy paper | July 17, 2014 |

    Emerging Market Portfolio Globalization

    The Next Big Thing

    Jay Pelosky
    In 2014 emerging markets have shown remarkable resiliency despite negative news and record foreign investor outflows. Jay Pelosky, founder of J2Z A...
  • policy paper | July 15, 2014 |

    The Wizard of Jobs

    How the U.S. Could Generate Over 1.3 Million Private Sector Jobs in Six Months and Still be in a Slump

    Daniel Alpert
    At first glance, the U.S job picture continues to improve with the U.S. economy generating an average of 222,000 new private sector jobs a month in...
  • policy paper | June 21, 2014 |

    What Would Minsky See Today?

    Closing Dinner Remarks at The Hyman P. Minsky Summer Seminar

    Daniel Alpert
    Economist Hyman Minsky had the rare ability to stand back from conventional wisdom and see beyond the current market’s irrationality. In the closin...
  • policy paper | June 16, 2014 |

    America's Debt Problem

    How Private Debt Is Holding Back Growth and Hurting the Middle Class

    Over time, the US economy has become more dependent on debt to fuel economic growth. American households, in particular, have become dependent on d...
  • policy paper | April 30, 2014 |

    Pay More, Get Less

    How American Socio-Economic Policy Is Falling Short

    The American middle class faces an uncertain future. Staring headlong into a difficult – and changing – world economy that has yet to fully recover...
  • policy paper | March 24, 2014 |

    Driving Out of the Red with Greener Cars

    Policies for Cheaper, Cleaner Auto Transportation in California's Central Valley

    Lisa Margonelli
    Income inequality in California is already high, and it continues to increase. This income inequality is exacerbated by unequal access to jobs, cre...
  • policy paper | March 04, 2014 |

    The U.S. Economy After The Great Recession

    America's Deleveraging and Recovery Experience

    Samuel Sherraden Sherle R. Schwenninger
    The bursting of the housing bubble in 2008 plunged the U.S. economy into a serious crisis, leaving American households with a huge debt overhang an...
  • policy paper | October 02, 2013 |

    Productivity Measurement in the United States Health System

    Joe Colucci Rick McKellar
    Improving productivity in health care is, unquestionably, among the most important challenges facing policy makers and health care systems. Advance...
  • policy paper | October 02, 2013 |

    Productivity and the Health Care Workforce

    Joe Colucci Shannon Brownlee Thom Walsh
    Since World War II, health care spending in the United States has grown rapidly – faster than in the rest of the developed world, and much faster t...
  • policy paper | September 10, 2013 |

    Beyond the Low Wage Social Contract

    The issue of low wages has moved to the center of American public debate recently, thanks to protests against the low pay of fast food workers, the...

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