Items tagged ‘Insurgency’

  • article | July 29, 2014 |

    Testimony: The Islamic State - A Persistent Threat

    Though the challenges to American interests in the Middle East could hardly be more complex or interrelated, I will attempt to focus sharply on the...
  • policy paper | June 24, 2014 |

    The Lesson of the Surge

    Defeating ISIS Requires a New Sunni Awakening

    Derek Harvey Michael Pregent
    As the United States considers its options against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), we should start by reviewing our earlier war against...
  • article | June 05, 2014 |

    APPENDIX: How Dangerous are Freed Guantanamo Prisoners?

    Baily Cahall Peter Bergen
    As of June 5, 2014, 620 Guantanamo prisoners have been released or transferred abroad. Of those 620, we have identified 54 who are either confirmed...
  • article | March 21, 2014 |

    TESTIMONY: After the Withdrawal

    The Way Forward in Afghanistan and Pakistan

    This past Saturday, March 16, 2013 marked an extraordinary moment in Pakistan’s history, as this is the first time that a civilian government has s...
  • policy paper | June 27, 2013 |

    Talking to the Taliban

    The Afghanistan intervention shows why the U.S. must empathize with its adversaries

    John Bew Marisa Porges Martyn Frampton Peter Neumann Ryan Evans
    As the United States withdraws from Afghanistan, it leaves violence and uncertainty in its wake. The election of a new Afghan president gives some ...

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