
  • article | January 29, 2015

    Don’t Dismiss Poverty’s Role in Terrorism Quite Yet

    With the deadly attacks on Charlie Hebdo’s office in Paris earlier this month, pundits are again questioning a commonly-cited motive for radicaliza...
  • article | January 08, 2015

    Killing Those Who “Defame” Islam

    In the modern era killing those who purportedly have defamed Islam began with the Iranian Ayatollah Khomeini’s infamous fatwa—religious ruling—that...
  • article | November 20, 2014

    How to Combat ISIS, Starting in Your Community

    When you hear ‘online predator,’ you probably conjure an image of a sexual predator – perhaps a middle-aged man targeting oblivious kids through va...
  • article | October 28, 2014 |

    7 things you need to read on homegrown terrorism

    A collection of essays from New America about homegrown terrorism, and how to prevent it

    In preparation for our event, “Preventing the Next Homegrown Attack” on Wednesday, October 29th, here are 7 things you should read on homegrown ter...
  • article | September 24, 2014 |

    7 Things You Need to Read on Iran

    Today, New America will host a conversation between Dr. Hassan Rouhani, President of Iran, and Fareed Zakaria, Host of Global Public Square on CNN....
  • article | September 22, 2014 |

    7 articles you need to read about ISIS

    A collection of the best content on ISIS from New America.

    On September 10, President Obama announced his strategy to defeat the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. During the speech, the President claimed tha...
  • article | September 10, 2014 |

    The Future of War Team

    New America
    The Future of War project is managed by a team of staff and fellows based at New America, including journalists, legal scholars, former military of...
  • article | September 09, 2014 |

    Essays on the Future of War

    New America
    On January 22, 2014, Tom Ricks, a contributing editor for Foreign Policy magazine, a Senior Advisor on National Security at New America, and a memb...
  • article | July 29, 2014 |

    Testimony: The Islamic State - A Persistent Threat

    Though the challenges to American interests in the Middle East could hardly be more complex or interrelated, I will attempt to focus sharply on the...
  • article | June 05, 2014 |

    APPENDIX: How Dangerous are Freed Guantanamo Prisoners?

    Baily Cahall Peter Bergen
    As of June 5, 2014, 620 Guantanamo prisoners have been released or transferred abroad. Of those 620, we have identified 54 who are either confirmed...
  • article | April 24, 2014 |

    TESTIMONY: Drone Wars

    The Constitutional and Counterterrorism Implications of Targeted Killing

    The CIA drone program began quietly under President George W. Bush with one strike in Yemen in 2002, and then a smattering of strikes in Pakistan b...
  • article | March 21, 2014 |

    TESTIMONY: After the Withdrawal

    The Way Forward in Afghanistan and Pakistan

    This past Saturday, March 16, 2013 marked an extraordinary moment in Pakistan’s history, as this is the first time that a civilian government has s...

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