Items tagged ‘new-america’

  • article | December 18, 2014

    The Paternity Leave Stimulus

    Gary Barker Mary Robbins
    Rodrigo Neves wasn’t expecting a fight. After the city council of Niteroi, Brazil passed a new law earlier this month extending Brazil’s nationally...
  • article | December 18, 2014

    Why Climate Change Isn’t Sputnik

    Sharon Burke Sharon Squassoni
    Here we go again. Another year, another inconclusive climate change summit. The grim reality haunting the talks that recently wrapped up in Lima is...
  • article | December 18, 2014

    Instead of Re-Drawing the Map, Let’s Transform Our Borders

    Maano Ramutsindela
    Should we re-draw our borders? This question keeps coming up whenever societies or groups of people face existential national threats or serious ch...
  • article | December 18, 2014

    The Power of Libya's Female Arms Dealers

    Alaa Murabit
    I am an arms dealer in Libya, but my weapons reduce violence and last longer than a bullet. As the founder of the Voice of Libyan Women (VLW), a wo...
  • article | December 11, 2014

    Ferguson Should Be More Than a Moment

    National Public Radio host Michelle Norris has run The Race Card Project for the past four years. Participants are asked to distill their “experien...
  • article | December 11, 2014

    No More Space “Race”

    Ellen Stofan, NASA’s chief scientist, saw her first rocket launch at age 4. Her father worked at NASA as an engineer, and the thrill of space explo...
  • article | December 11, 2014

    The Way Forward for Women Entrepreneurs

    New America
    There’s a World Turtle Day. A Bubble Bath Day. And even a Talk Like Shakespeare Day. So about a year ago, Wendy Diamond found herself wondering: Wh...
  • article | December 11, 2014

    Revolution, Unpolished

    New America
    Revolutions are messy, confusing, and brutal. Only afterwards are they recast into neat – and often flawed– narratives. Revolutions are less a test...
  • article | December 11, 2014

    Corruption is All Around Us

    Georgia Keohane
    “How does revolution happen?” asked Janine Wedel. “Maybe it doesn’t,” mused Lawrence Lessig, evincing a mild case of political resignation that the...
  • article | December 11, 2014

    Think Again, Europe

    Isabel Skierka Robert Morgus Tim Maurer
    The post-Snowden world is a little like a new parent suddenly worrying about the security of its baby…data. Governments, companies, and citizens al...
  • article | December 11, 2014

    What Maps Can Hide

    Too often, I find myself looking at this or that new map on the happiest places to live in the United States, the states with the most craft beer, ...
  • podcast | December 11, 2014

    Communities Before Categories

    New America
    We all know that increasingly, Hispanic Americans are at the forefront of national conversations about politics, and not just in the context of the...
  • article | December 11, 2014

    How To Tell a True War Dog Story

    “Okay, Rebecca, it’s your turn to find the bomb.” That’s what Tech Sergeant Edward Canell at Buckley Air Force Base said to Rebecca Frankel, a jour...
  • event | December 10, 2014 |

    The U.S., Israel and the Regional Dimensions of an Iran Nuclear Deal

    New America
    Reaching an agreement on Iran's nuclear program that ensures Iran will not obtain a nuclear weapon has been a top priority on President Obama's for...
  • event | December 10, 2014 |

    Activating Citizens: Organizing for Change in the Digital Era

    New America
    How can citizens be organized and mobilized into participating in 21st century democracy? Why are some civic associations better than others at get...
  • podcast | December 04, 2014

    Muckraking: The New Old Human Rights Campaign

    New America
    What can the history of investigative journalism – or global muckraking, as Columbia professor Anya Schiffrin calls it – teach us about the future ...
  • article | December 04, 2014

    What Trumps Tech in War?

    New America
    While they seem to come from different centuries, the makeshift IED of an insurgent and the cutting-edge aerial assets of the world’s largest milit...
  • policy paper | December 04, 2014 |

    Putting Learning on the Map: Visualizing Opportunity in 21st Century Communities

    Visualizing Opporunity in 21st Century Communities

    Rising income inequality has been the subject of heated debate in 2014, and education is often proffered as a remedy. But do all American learners ...
  • event | December 04, 2014 |

    Warrior Diplomat

    A Green Beret’s Battles from Washington to Afghanistan

    New America
    Grappling with centuries-old feuds, defeating a shrewd insurgency, and navigating the sometimes paralyzing bureaucracy of the U.S. military are iss...
  • event | December 02, 2014 |

    @War: The Rise of the Military-Internet Complex

    New America
    The future of American warfare is already here. From the NSA mining the digital data of tech giants such as Facebook and Google to hacker teams pla...
  • article | November 26, 2014 |

    Pay Phones Go Wireless

    New America
    Last week, OTI announced its participation in LinkNYC, a plan to replace aging payphones in New York City with wi-fi hubs or “Links.” The implement...
  • article | November 24, 2014

    The Best Books of 2014

    New America
    If the idea of Black Friday crowds makes you want to stay home and curl up with a good book instead, New America’s got you covered with a cornucopi...