Items tagged ‘new-america’

  • article | November 20, 2014

    How to Combat ISIS, Starting in Your Community

    When you hear ‘online predator,’ you probably conjure an image of a sexual predator – perhaps a middle-aged man targeting oblivious kids through va...
  • article | November 20, 2014

    Being Present Instead of Perfect

    For a lot of American families today, the dinner table can feel a minefield, haunted by the ghosts of _Leave It To Beavers _past and the present-da...
  • article | November 20, 2014

    The New Case for LGBT Rights

    M. V. Lee Badgett
    What’s the secret to convincing the world to back a movement? Figure out how it could impact the global bottom line. Economic reasoning is part of ...
  • article | November 20, 2014

    The Cult of Kiddie Danger

    Lenore Skenazy
    The Richland, WA, school district is phasing out swings on its playgrounds. As the district's spokesman recently told KEPR TV: "It's just really a ...
  • article | November 20, 2014

    Tehran’s Nuclear Playbook

    Sanam Vakil
    We’re down to the wire. The November 24 deadline for the Iranian nuclear deal is looming. In this final week, negotiators from the P5 +1 and Iran a...
  • article | November 20, 2014

    The Most Destructive Gender Binary

    Gary Barker
    It was the latest setback for women’s empowerment. But you probably haven’t heard about it. Part of the gender equality goal set to replace one of ...
  • article | November 20, 2014

    The Future of Thanksgiving

    Why is Thanksgiving dinner always late, and why does it last so long? It’s one of the last refuges of irreducible inefficiency, a throwback to the ...
  • podcast | November 20, 2014

    The Hackers of Oz

    New America
    How do we win a war that can’t be seen? Anne-Marie Slaughter goes behind the cyber curtain to find out by speaking with ASU Future of War Fellow Sh...
  • event | November 18, 2014 |

    Worthy Work, STILL Unlivable Wages

    The Early Childhood Workforce 25 Years After the National Child Care Staffing Study

    New America
    Despite the significant increase in qualification requirements for the early childhood workforce and the wealth of research on early development th...
  • event | November 17, 2014

    Global Muckraking

    100 Years of Investigative Journalism from Around the World

    New America
    Crusading journalists from Sinclair Lewis to Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein to Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras have played critical roles in Ame...
  • article | November 13, 2014

    Why Iraq Must Stop Playing the Shari’a Card

    Alliya Anjum Razavi Corri Zoli Emily Schneider
    If you’re a woman living in Raqqa, Iraq, you already had enough to worry about: your government recently lost a quarter of the country to the Islam...
  • article | November 13, 2014

    Are We About to Trade Away Critical Healthcare Access?

    In the expensive briar patch that is American healthcare, generic drugs have been key to keeping costs down. But intellectual property provisions i...
  • article | November 13, 2014

    Your Primer on the Future of the Internet

    New America
    On Monday, President Obama announced his support for net neutrality- the idea that the Internet should remain free and open, and Internet Service P...
  • article | November 13, 2014

    The Smallest Soldiers

    Douglas Ollivant
    Douglas Ollivant, ASU Future of War Senior Fellow at New America, explains that as we observe Veterans Day, we should also remember that the childr...
  • article | November 13, 2014

    Kind of a Big (Climate Change) Deal

    Eric Holthaus
    The United States and China—the world’s biggest contributors to climate change—just produced a game changer. Leaders of the two countries jointly a...
  • article | November 13, 2014

    Where the Wall Has Taken Us

    New America
    When the Berlin Wall came down on November 9, 1989, some say our world order cracked wide open. This month’s twenty-fifth anniversary of that miles...
  • article | November 13, 2014

    Which Events Really Mattered in World History?

    Levi Tillemann
    A casual reading of human history (or a high school textbook) might suggest the crucifixion of Jesus, Matthew Perry’s opening of Japan, and D-day a...
  • article | November 13, 2014

    Why Now, More Than Ever, We Must Change Our Immigration Story

    She was 14. She believed them when they told her that her future – her own family, a home, economic salvation – was just a few feet away. That lie ...
  • article | November 13, 2014

    The Untapped Potential in Science Fiction

    If we can end the elitism and teach more science fiction to teenagers and young adults, we can change the world. This assertion, while bold, may no...
  • article | November 06, 2014

    The New New Germany

    Yascha Mounk
    We didn’t know what to expect after the heady days of November 1989. What exactly would follow from the fall of the Berlin wall? Would this mean th...
  • article | November 06, 2014

    The Wall That Didn’t Fall

    Brandon Tensley
    Twenty-five years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, a different wall has taken its place. But instead of separating East and West, this other “wal...
  • article | November 06, 2014

    Did We Give the Pill Too Much Power?

    This pill came with a promise: help extinguish sexism from public life by removing a key roadblock for women. If women could plan when and whether ...